Main products - VENUS framework based

Dynamic Display System
Examples: commercial spots, images, texts, slideshows, tickers, RRS feeds, weather forecasts, etc. DDS lets you also directly define and integrate TV channel elements which are easily combined with the other display elements.
If DDS is connected with a product database, the various products, prices and discounts can be attractively presented on large screens, all in conjunction with other indicators. This allows big stores to centrally manage their in-house product placement.
DDS also integrates live streams - surveillance cameras are integrated with or without audio - and much more. In addition, DDS is interactive, which means that the display systems can be individually equipped with menus offerings at fingertip selection.

Sensor Communication Center
SCC collects data and produces display values, histograms, actions, alarms and much more.
Rules and alarms are defined and configured directly within the website. A user can even access and interact with every writable sensor via his smartphone!
DDS and SCC extensions

Monitoring Alarming Interaction and Display Solution
You monitor for example the temperature, the humidity, the voltage or current of electronic components and other important live values.
These values are collected and displayed live on the display screens.
In addition, computer systems or other electronically devices can be integrated in MAIDS via SNMP or WMI. The system allows the free definition of alarms that are triggered when the thresholds are exceeded. Alarm information is then automatically sent to the responsible via email or SMS.
All integrated active and passive components as sensors, switches and systems are operable via the website. You can, for example, switch on or off an entire air conditioning system with a simple mouse click.
MAIDS is also ideal for monitoring and remote control OB vans (television / radio). Such cars are filled with high-tech equipment. It is important that these components don’t become too hot and that all transmission units are turned on, etc., etc.
The staff monitors live the overall status of the active components in the OB van and can, if needed, react immediately via some mouse-clicks on a tablet PC.
MAIDS also offers access to the collected data and displays histograms.

Salle Assignement Display System
The displayed lecture information is combined with other elements such as weather and time, alarm messages or just commercial spots.
The display screens offer also interactivity. A variety of databases can be integrated in SADS. These can be queried interactively. The results are presented in an attractive form. This system can be used anywhere - examples are hospitals, airports, train stations, police stations, museums, etc.

Building Control System
BCS is highly expandable and can be managed via the web interface of VENUS.

VENUS utility modules
The VENUS framework contains a collection of modules that are combined to build complex application without the need of large developments. All VENUS modules have already proven their robustness and work seamlessly together with the other modules. This allows Leafit to guarantee the quality and the correctness of any VENUS based application.
Basis modules as logging, monitoring, alarming, auto install, remote config, etc. are automatically contained in every VENUS application.
Let you inspire by the description of some VENUS modules.

- File upload
- File download
- Silverlight multi upload
- Folder watcher
- File detection

- Flip Factory
- Cerify
- Antivirus software

- Asset uploads by clients and automated ingest process
- Data and asset migration - transcoding, metadata extraction, ...
- Data delivery - proprietary data translated in another system language / format
- Automated archiving and metadata synchronization system
Not VENUS based

Live Information System and Ticketing
LIS contains the ticket distribution touchscreen terminals which are easily logically created and configured within the LIS website.
The clerks operate on their systems in a small application that allows calling the waiting customers to the desks.
LIS a system for many different usages: Museum, hospitals, post offices, police offices, tax administration, road traffic office, etc.
All is managed, operated and monitored from a central location.

You ask WayTouch for example how to find a person, a room, a picture in a museum, the next local bus station, a toilet etc.
The system is equipped with an attractive ticket printing feature that prints a map at your fingertip.